Our Beautiful Grandkitty’s Birthday

The year this photo was taken, I remember thinking how hard it was to believe our beautiful little kitty was already 2 years old. Of course, we had to celebrate her birthday!
It is even harder to believe that today she is 8 years old!
Now I know you are thinking it is difficult to grasp a mouse and a kitty could be such friends, but I love my grandkitties. The birthday girl holds a special place in my heart because of the way she entered our lives almost 8 years ago. The kitties are my daughter’s fur babies, so they are our only grandkitties. I am sure you know what that means. They are petted and doted on like the precious little angels they are.
See, I am the typical grandmother. My grandkitties have no faults.
How this Kitty Cat Entered Our Lives
Eight years ago, I was driving down a very busy multi-laned street with my daughter, my sister and my mother. We were chatting away when I spotted what I thought was a squirrel in the street. It was running back and forth between two lanes of speeding traffic. Darting here and there, clearly confused and frightened. I was certain at any moment the little thing was going to be crushed. Without any warning for my passengers, I slammed on my brakes, threw open my car door and jumped out. I was a little surprised when I realized my “squirrel” was actually a kitty. It took off in a flash in front of my car and to safety into some bushes at the side of the street.
Apparently, my passengers figured out what was happening. My sister and my daughter joined the pursuit while my mother called directions from the car. Mom had spotted a second kitty and it was about to be run over by a huge monster truck. I jumped in front of the truck and grabbed the little orange kitty. I ran back to my car fully intending to put the kitty inside and continue the search and rescue of the “squirrel” kitty.
When we got to the car, the kitty bit me, leapt onto the floorboard of the car, and ran straight into the hole behind the brake pedal. I decided I should move the car out of the busy street so I could get in the floor and try to find the missing kitty. I let the car coast into a driveway and out of the traffic since I was not about to use that break pedal. I was a little surprised to see my finger was bleeding where the little orange kitty had pierced it with her sharp needle teeth.
It took nearly 2 hours to get her “highness” safely out of her hiding place. We actually had to remove the dash of the car to get to her. Sadly, we never found her “squirrel” sibling.
Her Kitty Birthday Gifts

On her birthday she decided to grace us with her presence for a little while, well just long enough to get her presents and special treat. Gobbles is pretty easy to please. We gave her a bed of her own that is small enough to fit under the bed. Her uncle gave her a cat nip toy.
As you can see in the photo, she was interested. We all set or laid in the floor so she would feel comfortable enough to come out for a little visit.
Can you see her peeking out to catch a glimpse of her gifts?

Kitty Bed for Under the Bed
We thought she would enjoy having a bed that fits in her favorite place, under the bed.
This one fits nicely under the bed and provides that extra warmth the sweet baby needs for a good night’s sleep.
MidWest Quiet Time Fashion Pet BedCheck Price
The Kitty Birthday Party

Gobbles, Lemmiwinks, & Snowball
I would love to tell you that we were able to fit the kitties with birthday party hats and they danced around merrily for us, but that was simply not the case. There were no hats, no party horns and no birthday cakes.
Each kitty received a little toy of their preference. Gobbles got her cat nip toy, Snowball got a new ball and Lemmiwinks received a feather toy. They seemed quite pleased with their additions.
Oh, and they did share a special treat together as you can see in the photo. They are sharing a can of tuna.
OurPets 100-Percent Catnip Filled Fish Cat Toy, AnnetteCheck PriceHARTZ 512546 Just for Cats Midnight Crazies Cat ToyCheck PricePetlinks Feather Flips Cat Toy Feathery Plush Balls, 2 PackCheck Price
Happy Birthday Gorgeous Gobbles!