My Mother, My Friend

Mother's Day CardLet Me Tell You About My Mom

Anyone who knows me, knows how close I am to my mother.  She has always supported any endeavor I have undertaken and she has always been there to encourage me to succeed or to console me when I fail.  She even supports my online writing endeavors.  Mom reads every article I publish.  (Hi Mom!)   She also reads my online friends articles.  Frequently the phone rings and she is giving me her opinion on what she has read.  Oh, yes, I should warn the cooks out there, Mom will try your recipes!

When I have a new craft I want to try, Mom will run right over here to join in the fun.  She usually brings a treat like peach cobbler or her awesome peanut butter fudge.

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Me, My Mother & The River

Photo of River with Beach areaRivers and lakes often look like an invitation to fun, especially to children who are oblivious to the hidden dangers.

When I was a very little girl, around 5 years old, I was too young to join my older siblings when my dad took them water skiing, so my mom stayed with me on the little beach area of the river.  It was the perfect wading area for mother and child.

For an adventurous child, like myself, the small island mid-river was just too much of a temptation for me to ignore.  So, while my mother was setting up our picnic on the beach, I took off to explore alone.  I didn’t get very far across the river before I was caught in the undertow and pulled under the surface.  I don’t remember fighting the water.  I simply remember a feeling of peace, but I was definitely drowning.

I have no idea how my mother moved as quickly as she did, but I was lifted out of the water and rushed to the safety of the shoreline.  Heedless of any danger for her own self, she raced into the water, once again being the sole human responsible for giving me life.

Now this might not sound like such a remarkable feat to most, but my mother can’t swim.


Teaching Me to Drive

Curving road though mountains photoWhen I was 15, I wanted to drive!  While on vacation in the Ozarks, I begged my mother to let me drive the car.  She asked, “have you ever driven before?”  A reasonable question since I had 3 older siblings who all had cars.  I said, “Why, yes! Dad lets me drive all the time.”  Completely trusting me, she handed me the keys and moved to the passenger side, relaxed and ready to go for a ride.

We started down the mountain at a nice, slow rate of speed and I was easily controlling the car.  As the car accelerated of its own volition, we were approaching a curve.  Mom calmly suggested that I apply the brakes.  I simply said “what brakes?”

Again, moving faster than lightning, she was next to me in a flash and had her foot on the brake pedal.

After the car came to a complete halt, mere feet from the edge of the mountain, mom just looked at me and said, “I thought you said your dad lets you drive all the time.”

My answer, “he does.  I’ve been driving the boat for years!”

I spent the rest of that vacation driving circles around the dirt roads of the local cemetery.  Wonder if there was a lesson in her choice of driving range.


Adventures with Sylvestermouse

Beanie Baby - Princess DianaMom has always been a willing partner in whatever adventure I dreamed up for us.

Over the years, I have managed to get her to go sail-boating with me, ride in a go-cart as my passenger and even fly overseas in an airplane.

When my children were little, she accompanied me on beanie baby treasure hunts.  Yes, we were the ones who showed up at the store with our lawn chairs at 4:00 am to wait for the store to open.  We drank coffee and laughed at ourselves and our own ridiculous desperation.  But, this “middle of the night” adventure ensured that each of my children got one of the “rare” animals.  To their credit, my children still have those “retired” beanie babies.


Sylvestermouse's Mother This is My Mom!
She is probably wondering what I am dreaming up next!



Everything My Mom Ever Does is Measured with Love!

 Fashioncraft Heart Shaped Measuring SpoonsCheck PriceOther Articles that Mention My Mom

There are probably a few missing from this list

Peanut Butter Fudge Recipe  Peanut Butter Fudge Recipe
  In the article, I share my mom’s Peanut Butter Fudge recipe. It is   my personal favorite.


Easy Peach Cobbler Recipe Easy Peach Cobbler Recipe
 This is also one of my mother’s recipes. This is one of my favorite  deserts to make. It is just so easy!

In the House of Sylvestermouse In the House of Sylvestermouse
 This was my first published online article. It was also my introduction of my mother to the world. In this  article, I tell how my mother used to make most of my clothes & how she made gorgeous formals for me.


Thanksgiving Thauma Tale of the Tarred Trio – A Thanksgiving Trauma
 This one briefly touches on my mother’s ever-present wit.


Make Felt Cupcake Pincushions How to Make Felt Cupcake Pincushions
 This is one of the crafts she helped me make for a craft article featured on Crafter’s Kingdom.


beaded Christmas Ornament kits Beaded Christmas Ornament Kits
 In this article, I show you a photo of the beaded ornament my mother made for me 40 years  ago. I  guess that explains my love for beaded ornaments!


Within Temptation Music Speaks to My Soul
 In the introduction of this article, I explain how my mother influenced my love for music.


Barbie My Favorite Toy, Barbie
 In this article, I tell you how my mother made clothes for Barbie too.



My Mother, My Friend