Hangin’ with Gray Wolves

Gray Wolf Photo by SylvestermouseWhat words do you use to describe Gray Wolves?

Fascinating! Intelligent!  Mischievous!  Beautiful!

These are all words that I would use to describe this Gray Wolf.

I am mesmerized by the gorgeous Gray Wolves.  We visited the Memphis Zoo a while back and I didn’t want to leave their area.  I wanted to stay and watch them play all day long.

I loved watching two of them play tug-a-war with a stick while another one was busy trying to rip up the newly laid sod.  She had one corner completely up and she continued to tediously work with her teeth and paws to remove that square of grass.  Occasionally, she would stop for just a moment and look around to see if anyone was watching.  At one point our eyes met and I would have sworn she smiled at me before she went back to work.  That little devil!  She knew I loved her and secretly encouraged her playful antics even though they were quite destructive.  After all, it is her home and her ground.  If she wants a dirt bath that is perfectly fine with me.


I Am Shocked to Find There is Sod Ripped Up Here!

Gray Wolf photo by Sylvestermouse

Gray Wolves

Gray Wolf PhotoPrior to the 1930s, wolves were common throughout all of North America. Sadly, today they only inhabit a small number of states including Alaska, Idaho, Montana, Minnesota, Michigan, Wisconsin and Wyoming.

Wolves are the largest members of the canine family and are the ancestors to our domestic dogs.  German shepherds or malamutes strongly resemble wolves.  Frankly, I have seen some wolf pups that look exactly like German Shepherd pups.

Wolves travel in packs usually consisting of a mother, father and their pups.  They communicate with whines, growls, barks and yes, even howls when it is lighter at night, such as a night with a full moon.  Wolves are very loyal and dedicated.  Gray wolves will willingly sacrifice themselves to protect their family.

Yellowstone National Park reintroduced Wolves in 1995 and they can now be seen and heard in their natural habitat.

About The Photo:  The beauty drinking water is Shiloh.  She is the smallest of the 4 siblings at the Memphis Zoo.  Did you know Shiloh means “gift.”  I would definitely take this gift if offered.


A Few Facts About Gray Wolves

Gray Wolves photo by Cynthia Sylvestermouse

  • Length ~ Up to 6 1/2 Feet from Nose to Tip of Tail
  • Height ~ 25″ – 32″ at the shoulder
  • Lifespan ~ 7 – 8 years in the wild
  • Diet ~ They are Scavengers and will often eat animals that have already died.  They will, however, eat deer, elk, moose or small prey.
  • Pups are born blind and defenseless.  The pack cares for the pups until they mature at about 10 months of age.
  • Gray wolves are listed as endangered throughout the United States except for Idaho and Montana and parts of Washington, Oregon and Utah.
  • Wolves in Minnesota are listed as threatened.
  • In Alaska, wolves are not listed under the ESA


Quote From: www.defenders.org
Overall, the greatest threat to wolves is people’s fear and misunderstanding about the species.  Many fairy tales and myths tend to misrepresent wolves as villainous, dangerous creatures.


Who are These Gray Wolves?

Gray WolvesThere are 4 Gray Wolves currently living in the Memphis Zoo.  Like many siblings, they have very unique looks and characteristics, but you do have to look closely to be able to distinguish one from the other.

Dakota is the largest of the pack and he is the only male.  His dark markings that extend across his back and down his tail make him easily recognizable.  He would certainly make a great friend.

Rocki is the lightest colored wolf and she sports a beautiful fur mane around her neck.  Currently, she is the alpha female of this pack of siblings, but that hierarchy can change.

Meeka is the largest female and has a blond coat.  I have been told that she is very friendly and is usually the favorite because of her sweet disposition and easy smile.

However, Shiloh is my personal favorite.  Most likely because she is the smallest and a loner.  She won my heart immediately.  Shiloh has dark strikes between her eyes and I have always been fond of a “blaze” effect on animal fur.

I doubt you can tell them apart in the photo, but you would be able to see their characteristic marks in person.


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