My Morning Glories

Inspiration and Memories of Morning Glories

My Morning GloryMy Morning Glories are a beautiful greeting and welcoming sight in my yard each morning.   Some may see Morning Glories as weeds, but I see them as a beautiful blessing and reminder of years past.   They are the stars in my garden.

When my children were little, they used to stay by my side and work in the garden too. Their little hands were busy planting and weeding while their minds were absorbing everything. My son was especially fond of working in the garden. I always believed that was because he loved the insects so much.

I shall never forget the year when we picked up a package of Morning Glory seeds just so he could start his own little garden.

I just have to show you what keeps coming back each year. This will be the 17th year they have bloomed since my son planted them for me.

I love my “stars”!

Teaching Children to Garden

Some of the best years of my life were the years before my children started to school. Since they were separated by almost 5 years in age, my daughter was our only child for that many years. She helped me do whatever I was doing during the day. If I was cleaning the house, she had her own dust cloth or broom. When I worked in our flower garden, she helped me pull weeds or cut blooms to bring inside. When I decided it was time to paint the master bedroom, she was right there with me rolling away. The roller was almost as big as she was, but that didn’t deter her in the least.

Morning Glory by Sylvestermouse

When her brother was born, she doted on him constantly. He had his own personal angel watching over him and guiding him, giving instruction as needed along the way. (She is still guiding him. Would you believe she was one of his college professors?)

While his sister was in school, my son took over where she left off. He loved working outside. He studied every bug that crawled his way. He was fascinated by everything that pertained to the flower beds. He loved planting flowers and daily would run out to check on them. Occasionally he would return with a selected bloom and we would promptly place it in the center of the kitchen table.

When he was 8 yrs. old, we moved into a new house. It was really hard for all of us to leave our beloved flower beds. The only tree that got to go with us was his Japanese Maple tree which we had planted in a big pot. To make matters worse, there were no backyard flower beds in our new home. With just the one little sprig tree and a lot of plans, we started over.


Planting Morning Glories

We all worked on the back yard that first summer. My husband and I even laid sod, a back breaking job to say the least. I drew landscape plans for the backyard and everyone helped choose the plants for the yard. As a plant or tree was named, I found a spot for it on paper, based on the sun or water supply it required. Then we made a lot of trips to the nursery carefully choosing each addition.

9GreenBox - Seed Starter Germination Kit9GreenBox – Seed Starter Germination KitCheck PriceIt was during this time that my son started his little indoor nursery. We used any plastic container from margarine bowls to cool whip bowls to hold his seedlings. When the beds outside were ready and the plants were big enough to survive, he planted them in the new beds out back. Now, 17 years later, I am still reaping the benefits of his labor.

A few years ago, when he moved into his college dorm, I was out surveying the flower beds early one morning and discovered his Morning Glories were blooming again, so I grabbed my camera.  I wanted to be able to send him pictures of the blooms in an email.

No, it is not really supposed to be in the Nandina bush, but like my daughter and son, the plant has a mind of its own and I wouldn’t dare interrupt its path. I’m just grateful to get to watch and enjoy it.

I took these pictures at 6:30 that morning, still wet from the morning dew.


Can You See The Star in My Morning Glory?


My Morning Glory Star


My Morning Glory Photos Available on Zazzle

 Morning Glory Coffee MugCheck Price Morning Glory Mouse PadCheck Price


Buy and Plant Your Own Morning Glories

I have been really grateful to have my Morning Glories in my backyard and thankful that they continue to come back every year. Since my son started his Morning Glory garden with a simply packet of seeds, I have provided a link to Morning Glory seeds available to purchase online just in case you wish to start your own Morning Glory garden too.

 Seed Needs, Heavenly Blue Morning Glory (Ipomoea tricolor) 1,000 Seeds UntreatedCheck Price